Sunday, October 6, 2013

10 Ways to Make Kids Eat Healthy Food.

Well, I am a father of three kids, the eldest being 8 and the youngest 3 years old. You can literally take them to Pizza Hut, McDonald’s or KFC every day of the week, but making them eat salads, fibrous and fresh fruits or anything else that you consider healthy is one hell of a job. But being a parent it’s our foremost duty to make sure that eat a balanced and healthy food, because a sick kid is every parent’s nightmare.
There are certain ways we can ensure that our kids are having a healthy and balanced diet.

  1. Why do you thing, kids want to play with the TV remote or your mobile….they don’t. They are just copying you. In the same way, if they see you eating healthy food, they are bound to follow sooner or later.
  2. Take them to the grocery shop and let them observe raw food. Let them explore and ask question. Explain to them the benefits of a healthy diet and encourage them when they act accordingly.
  3. A little relaxation sometimes is acceptable. Do treat them to a junk food once or twice a week.
  4. Make sure that all the family sits together at the dinner table for a family meal. Don’t cook anything special for kids, just serve what everybody is.
  5. Be patient and consistent. A kid will eventually try something new after the tenth time. All you have to do is be more tolerable to their attitude and wait for your efforts to bloom.
  6. Don’t try to bribe them in eating healthy food. They will eventually grow more repulsive towards it.
  7. Don’t be impressed by advertisement. Trust me; our kids don’t need processed food, frozen nuggets and frozen French fries. In case you want to treat them with some, bring potatoes home, peel them and fry them some. Similarly buy raw chicken and make some good dish out of it.
  8. Let thee kids help you in the kitchen. Allow them to assist you in peeling the potatoes, or washing the vegetables for salad. It can act as a binding relationship between them and the healthy food.
  9. Love and respect your child. They are many healthy diets, it’s not necessary that your kids likes all of them. Give some respect to his taste.
  10. Last but not least, make sure they have a healthy breakfast or they’ll be too drained of energy to concentrate in school.  An ideal breakfast must have around 500 calories to ensure a healthy routine……and above all, don’t forget to give them some multivitamins to keep them healthy and happy.